Transport and technology have always been the locomotives of change; and nowadays is no exception.

Our onboard entertainment platform is the first of its kind. Our innovative approach to media distribution has led to an industry-wide shift in the way that transport providers entertain their passengers.

We provide our partners with a one-stop onboard interface with their customers. Our cloud-based servers compute millions of data feeds in a minute, and our encryption software is Hollywood-approved. Our in-depth analytics has helped us build a leading passenger experience.

Some of our technology partners include:



Our passengers are an eclectic bunch. They travel all over the world by bus, coach, train and plane and speak dozens of languages. Frankly, none of them find the same thing equally entertaining and that’s where we come in. We scout the globe for quality movies and books, podcasts and magazines, the latest boxsets and TV shows from twenty years ago that your passengers had forgotten, but we know they still love.

Curation takes time, care and good data. We have all three on our side.



sponsorship & Advertising partners

We don’t have any robots, clickbait or confusing pop-ups.

We offer advertisers a long dwell time with real people, every single one of which is really going somewhere. Join us on over one billion passenger journeys a year.

Some of our advertisers include: