Privacy Notices 

The below outlines the relevant privacy notices for:

  • Our website and cookie policy

  • Customer & supplier employees

  • Prospective customer employees

  • Prospective employees

  • Customers and suppliers employees in promotional material 

At Spoken Ink Ltd we are committed to protecting your privacy. The following policies apply when we are acting as a controller of personal data, i.e. where we have determined the purposes and means of the processing of that personal data.

Where we do transfer your data to a recipient in a country that is outside the UK and EEA, we ensure that the data is protected by appropriate safeguards, namely the use of standard data protection clauses adopted by or approved by UK GDPR (a copy which can be sourced here) and the European Commission (a copy of which can be sourced here). 

As you are providing us with your personal data, it is important to us that you are aware of the following rights that you have in relation to our processing of that personal data. 

  • You can withdraw your consent to our processing of cookies at any time by emailing 

  • You can be provided with a copy of any personal data concerning you that we process, unless that would affect the rights and freedoms of others. You can also be provided with information on how that personal data is processed by us.

  • You can have us rectify any personal data of yours that we hold that is inaccurate or incomplete. In certain circumstances, you can also ask us to erase or restrict the use of any of your personal data that we process.

  • You can object at any time to our processing of your personal data on grounds related to your particular situation.

  • You can object at any time to our processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes. 

  • You can exercise any of the rights listed above by contacting us using the details at the bottom of this notice. If you are unhappy with any aspect of how we processed your personal data or your request to exercise a right, you can lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Spoken Ink Ltd is incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 06968714 and whose registered office is at  The Hop Exchange,Suites 27 - 29, 24 Southwark Street, London SE1 1TY

We are contactable by email at

Website and Cookies

The below applies to all users of our website

We may process your personal data for the purpose of contacting you if you submit an enquiry using our website. The legal basis for this processing is that it is necessary to achieve our legitimate interest, namely the promotion of our products and services.

We also process your cookies for the purpose of functionality and analytics. The legal basis for this processing is your consent. See below for more information on the cookies that we use. 

Cookie Policy

What are cookies and how do they work?

“Cookies” are text-only pieces of information that a website transfers to an individual’s hard drive or other website-browsing equipment for record-keeping purposes. Cookies allow the website to remember important information that will make your use of the site more convenient. A cookie will typically contain the name of the domain from which the cookie has come, the “lifetime” of the cookie, and a randomly generated unique number or other value. Like most websites, we use different categories of cookies for a variety of purposes in order to improve your online experience.

Depending on the purpose, we use session cookies, which are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the site, and persistent cookies, which remain in the cookie file of your browser.

What are the categories of cookies?

Cookies can be categorised, following the International Chamber of Commerce guide, as follows:

  • Strictly necessary cookies

‘Strictly necessary cookies’ tend to be session cookies which are deleted at the end of the browser session.

Accepting these cookies is a condition of using the website, so if you prevent these cookies, we can’t guarantee how our website will perform during your visit.

  • Performance Cookies

‘Performance cookies’ collect information about how you use our website such as which pages you visit and if you experience any errors. These cookies don’t collect any information that could identify you – all the information is collected on an anonymous aggregate basis and is only used to help us improve how our website works, understand what interests our users and measure the effectiveness of our advertising. They also enable us to track the total number of visitors to our site. Most performance cookies tend to be session cookies which are deleted at the end of the browser session.

  • Functionality Cookies

Functionality cookies, by their very nature, are persistent cookies so that we remember your computer when you return to our website.

In some cases, some of these cookies are managed for us by third parties, but we don’t allow the third party to use the cookies for any purpose other than those listed above. Some of these third-party performance cookies are persistent cookies.

Some of these cookies are managed for us by third parties – where this is the case, we don’t allow the third party to use the cookies for any purpose other than those listed above.

How can I block and/or delete cookies?

Use the options in your web browser if you do not wish to receive a cookie or if you wish to set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie. You can easily delete any cookies that have been installed in the cookie folder of your browser. Please note that if you decide to delete cookies, some parts of this website may become inaccessible or not function properly. 

Cookies that are used on our website:

Functional and required cookies:

1) Name: crumb

Purpose: Prevents cross-site request forgery

Type: Cookie

Duration: Session

Analytics & Performance Cookies:

1) Name: ss_cid

Purpose: Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site

Type: Cookie

Duration: 2 years

2) Name: ss_cpvisit

Purpose: Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site

Type: Cookie

Duration: 2 years

3) Name: ss_cvisit

Purpose: Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site

Type: Cookie

Duration: 30 minutes

4) Name:ss_cvr

Purpose: Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site

Type: Cookie

Duration: 2 years

5) Name: ss_cvt

Purpose: Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site

Type: Cookie

Duration: 30 minutes

6) Name: ss_cookieAllowed

Purpose: Remembers if a visitor agreed to placing Analytics cookies on their browser if a site is restricting the placement of cookies

Type: Cookie

Duration: 30 days

Customer and Supplier Employees

The following applies where we process personal data relating to self-employed customers and suppliers and employees of our customers and suppliers.

We will process your personal data for the purposes of communication with our customers and suppliers, ensuring any products or services exchanged between us satisfy agreed requirements and maintaining records. The legal basis for this processing is that it is necessary to achieve our legitimate interest, namely the supply of our products/services and maintaining a business relationship with your employer. 

We will retain all personal data we have obtained relating to you for a maximum of 10 years to fulfil the purposes for which we collected it, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting or reporting requirements.

We will share your personal data with customers and suppliers only to the extent that the disclosure is reasonably necessary for the purposes of the supply of our products and services and maintaining a business relationship with you or your employer.

Prospective Customers Employees

The following applies to employees of organisations with which we are seeking to establish a business relationship.

We will process your personal data for the purpose of communication with your employer. The legal basis for this processing is that it is necessary to achieve our legitimate interest, namely providing information on our products or services that may be of value and establishing a business relationship with your employer.

We will retain all personal data we have obtained relating to you for a maximum of 10 years to fulfil the purposes for which we collected it, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting or reporting requirements.

We will share your personal data with our suppliers only to the extent that the disclosure is reasonably necessary for the purposes of seeking to establish a business relationship with your employer and enhancing the relevance of any communications we have with you and/or your employer.

Prospective Employees

The following applies to all prospective employees.

We will process your personal data for recruitment purposes. The legal basis for this processing is that it is necessary to achieve our legitimate interest, namely the recruiting of personnel to ensure the continued provision of our services. 

We will store your personal data relating to recruitment for 6 months following the completion of the recruitment process.

We will share your personal data with third parties, such as recruitment advisors, only to the extent that the disclosure is reasonably necessary for the recruitment process.

Customers and Suppliers employees in promotional material 

The following applies to employees of our customers or suppliers who may appear in our promotional material.

We may process your personal data for the purpose of creating marketing material. The legal basis for this processing is that it is necessary to achieve our legitimate interests, namely promoting the products/services supplied by us. 

We will store your personal data relating to marketing material for as long as the marketing material remains relevant to the products/services supplied by us for up to a maximum of 10 years.